
Sun Chen: 還有我,孫晨。這裏就是我們的隧道英語。

Jo: In Real English,韓文翻譯, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Sun Chen: 你如果經常聽英國人說話,就會發現他們总是用一些個習慣用語。這些詞兒很多多少字典裏基本找不到。所以我們得馬上跟上。

Jo: And today’s expression is ‘over the top’ – ‘over the top’.

Sun Chen: 那這個詞組的意思又是什麼呢?

Jo: Well it can be used to describe a person, a place, an object, a way of behaving, a –

Sun Chen: 好了好了。我晓得這個詞組能够用在這兒,用正在那兒,然而您不是先跟我們說說這個詞組究竟是什麼意义呢?

Jo: It really means that something or someone is not normal. It’s going beyond what is considered ordinary.

Sun Chen: 遠遠天超越了一般的範疇。那他到底說的是功德兒,還是壞事兒啊?

Jo: Well, it’s sometimes seen as a bad thing I suppose. Here’s an example.


A. Did you see her outfit last night – that tiny miniskirt and low-cut top?

B. Yeah it was pletely over the top - really not very appropriate for a business dinner!

Jo: So we heard there that ‘over the top’ was used in a disapproving way to talk about something outrageous or flamboyant.

Sun Chen: Over the top 能够用來諷刺那些出圈或特別過分的事兒。

Jo: There’s even a short version of this expression – OTT!

Sun Chen: 那這種縮寫在人們說話的時候,又該怎麼用呢?

Jo: Yes, I could say – his behaviour is really OTT.

Sun Chen: 好了,別记了我們明天說的詞兒就是

Jo: Over the top or OTT.

Sun Chen: 便是說什麼東西太棒了,要不就是太過分了.

Jo: Join us again for more Real English from BBC Learning English. Goodbye!

Sun Chen: Bye!

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